Thursday, January 22, 2015


Today marks the infamous decision of Roe V. Wade... My husband and 8 of our kids are Marching right now In Washington D.C.

A somber day , but a day to reflect on the true Wondrous Blessing each and EVERY life is ...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Seasons... and thoughts

Today I'm praying about a Patron for this Blog . I have many ideas and am still , as of yet , undecided . 
So for now, 

Just a few thoughts ...

The seasons really run into each other around here... actually , they ram into each other !

So... of course , I decide that it is finally time to start a Blog ( laughing to myself here...).

I am hoping to share some fun times as well as some thoughts on the seasons of this life not as a form of advice , but moreso , as a way for all of us to see that though life may not be perfect … it is beautiful and a wondrous Gift !

I'm thankful that we are not on a super crazy Merry Go round of activities , but it feels like it to me !

All of Autumn was busy …First , what we jokingly call Birthday season began, then... the busyness started !

The County Fair ( which I love ! ) , Halloween , A Confirmation (!) , A Blackbelt Tesing (which by the way,was on the SAME day as the Confirmation ! ), Thanksgiving and then, ADVENT !! Wow !

Christmas Season began … we are still celebrating , just saying, and now Epiphany !

So here's the first of what I hope to be many ideas to share … and to remind myself of said ideas....

First thing : Make a list

You read that right . I don't care if you use your phone , the back of an old calendar or a paper towel … make a list .

A list of what you ask …?

Whatever it is you need to pull quick info from...

I make a list when we go to the county fair . I mark the kids names down and their ages and figure out the cost before we get to the booth. I make the same kind of list on the rare occasion when we all go out to dinner with what the kids would like to eat written next to each child with their drink of choice. Most restaurants offer their menus online and I cannot tell you how much simpler this will make your visit. Simpler and more enjoyable , that is...

Make a quick list ( or print up a sheet ) like this and you can keep all of the kids needs for Holiday clothes .

Another idea to build on...

More on List making later !

Friday, January 2, 2015

As one day runs into another ; A tiny tidbit

It's January 3rd..., but I'm still running on January 2nd .

 I just finished ripping one of my son's new cd's onto our computer... that alone took me a few minutes to figure out. I'm laughing at myself  ...

We just ( almost ) finished opening Christmas presents ( the new CD comes in here ) ...yes , on January 2nd ! This is actually pretty early for our family. We have been known to go well into January. We normally open one present at a time , one person at a time ... and we take a lot of breaks . I'll go into a more detailed breakdown in another post , but it's one of the best moves we have ever made in relation to celebrating Christmas ! Tonight though , we pushed forward and opened in bunches .
There were laughs and silliness and it was very loud .

Then again, it's always pretty loud around here ...

Merry Christmas !  It is still Christmas time !

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why Lilies of the Field ?

The name of my blog ... more information to follow . 

Matthew 6 : 26-30

Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they? [27] And which of you by taking thought, can add to his stature by one cubit? [28] And for raiment why are you solicitous? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin.[29] But I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. [30] And if the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, God doth so clothe: how much more you, O ye of little faith?

Goal setting ... a quick glimpse

Well... after many years of contemplating such a move , here I am starting a Blog ! 
This is truly a work in progress. In fact , it may prove to be very laughable at times ... so let's see where the Good Lord leads ! Happy New Year Blessings !!

Many people set goal for themselves at the beginning of the year ... they call them Resolutions , but are they really resolute about these things ? Personally , I prefer the term , Goal setting ... it is slightly more forgiving and leaves room for changes . 

Since this Blog itself is one of my goals for the year, at least I'm getting off on the right foot. I'm in the process of figuring out the Blogosphere itself and all that is wrapped up in this digital world . So here we go ...

